Dr. Breathe Well

Soft nasal dilator tubes

Extra soft nasal dilator tubes for extreme comfort.

Dr. Breathe Well contains 4 sizes of nasal dilators, from extra small to large. Your size nasal dilator is certainly included.

16 pieces in 4 sizes



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Would you like more air and snore less?

Try Dr. Breathe Well!

Dr. Breathe Well improves the airflow through your nostrils. The nasal dilators keep your nostrils well open so the air can flow better. You can breathe more freely and receive more oxygen.

Advantages sturdy tubes:

  • Breathe more freely
  • More oxygen
  • Better sleep
  • Less snoring


  • 16 super soft nasal tubes
  • 4 different sizes: S-M-L-XL
  • 1 dust-free storage box

Advantages soft nasal tubes:

dr. breathe well zachte buisjes verpakking geen achtergrond schaduw wijd
  • Keep your nostrils open extra well
  • Extreme comfort
  • Breathe more freely
  • Your brain gets more oxygen
  • You will snore less

16 pieces in 4 sizes



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How do the nasal dilators function?

The anti-snoring nasal dilator improves the airflow through the nose. The nasal dilator widens your nostrils during your sleep. Your nostrils stay open better and you can breathe more freely. Snoring due to nasal blocking will be reduced or you completely stop snoring all together.

How do I use the Dr. Breathe Well dilators?

The kit contains 4 different types of nasal dilators that each help you in their specific way to breathe more freely. Below we explain to you how each one works.

The package contains 4 different types of nasal dilators, each of which helps you improve the airflow in its own way. Below we explain how it works per product.

Nasal dilator tubes

This type of anti-snoring nasal dilator exists out of two cone shaped tubes that you have to insert in your nose as far as possible. The tubes are connected with a little bridge, so you don’t have to worry about bringing it in too far. In the kit you find two types of cones: soft and strong ones. We recommend you to try both to see which ones you like best.

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Advantages soft nasal tubes:

dr. breathe well zachte buisjes verpakking geen achtergrond schaduw wijd
  • Keep your nostrils open extra well
  • Extreme comfort
  • Breathe more freely
  • Your brain gets more oxygen
  • You will snore less

16 pieces in 4 sizes



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What material are the cones made from?

The Dr. Breathe Well cones are made from grade silicone rubber. This is a non-tocix type of silicone without chemical additives. Because of this the material is also used in the food industry.

Why 4 sizes of cones?

To make sure you receive the right size of nasal dilator. This way you can save yourself the hassle of having to buy several nasal dilators in different instances. The ones that don’t fit you might be right for your partner or a friend.

Who can use the dilator kit?

Dr. Breathe Well is extremely useful if you are suffering from blocked nasal airflows. If you suffer from nasal snoring then the nasal dilator is the perfect anti-snoring product. Also if you suffer from waking up tired in general, the nasal dilators will help your brain get more oxygen. This will help you sleep deeper and feel better rested.

Dr. Breathe Well can also help you improve your performance whilst doing sports.

Dr. Breathe Well is very useful when:

  • You suffer from blocked or collapsing nostrils.
  • You suffer from nasal snoring.
  • You suffer from waking up tired after a full night sleep.
  • You want to improve your performance during sports.

Advantages soft nasal tubes:

dr. breathe well zachte buisjes verpakking geen achtergrond schaduw wijd
  • Keep your nostrils open extra well
  • Extreme comfort
  • Breathe more freely
  • Your brain gets more oxygen
  • You will snore less

16 pieces in 4 sizes



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